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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Flexible when necessary

Well, this time this week I thought I would be posting my second entry on weaning from breastfeeding. That's not happening! I have found that anytime you think you have a handle on how things are going to happen, life happens. Things were going quite smoothly with dropping our afternoon feeding and substituting whole milk. Monday through Friday it worked great. Katie was a touch more clingy in the afternoons than she had been, but her sleeping was right on track and she was taking the milk just fine without a reaction.

Enter life. Saturday began just like any other Saturday, but ended with an unforeseeable incident that left us leaving our house for the afternoon with little notice. I forgot the milk and decided to nurse Katie after her afternoon nap thinking we would get back on track the next day. Saturday night though she woke with a fever and has been sick for three days now. Though her symptoms were few, loss of appetite was one of the main symptoms. For the first couple days nursing was about the only nourishment she received, so I opted out of weaning. Thankfully this afternoon Katie began returning to her normal happy, fever free self. I was able to successfully substitute her evening nursing session for whole milk.

My plan to get us back on track is to only drop the afternoon nursing for the next two days. If that continues to go well, I will then drop a second feeding. I've now decided to drop her first feeding of the day next. Hopefully by next Monday we can be back on track. I say that thinking back to my quote above, "anytime you think you have a handle on how things are going to happen, life happens." So, for now, I will do the best I can, be happy with where we are, and not be too disappointed if things end up off track.

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