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Thursday, June 30, 2011

More about Milk/Soy issues

We are currently revisiting all of Eli's dairy and soy issues, and this article came out today. I have used the mentioned blog a ton to cook food for myself as Eli was a very young baby, and the recipes are awesome. But the article is a good reminder that the issues we've faced can really bring havoc to your family and cause a lot of struggle with a newborn. People often mention that their kids have dairy issues, but MSPI can be so bad if undiagnosed that it's more like severe colic, not just a little gas or fussiness. I held Eli non-stop for the first several months, and even then he wasn't content. It wasn't till I eliminated all dairy and soy that things changed at all.

Fussy Baby? It could be MSPI Metro Neighborhood News Omaha, NE

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Eli Iron Update- 2 Months

This has been another crazy month for Mr. Elijah Boo (as we call him around here).  If I didn't know us, I wouldn't believe it.  Just to brief you: Eli has now been taking his iron supplement for a little over two months.  At the one month mark, I shared that he had been doing better, but then got an ear infection.  Well this ear infection ended up turning into a long, drawn- out illness that involved him breaking out into hives all over his body! The hives lasted almost 5 weeks! He was very sick for awhile and his sleep was definitely affected.  Here he is with the hives:

They weren't from his medication, and they were not a reaction to the iron.  The doctor believes they were just part of whatever virus he had that caused the ear infection. They were terrible and would just appear and disappear all over him. 

But I will share this. I would say out of the last 40 days, he has slept all through the night probably 10 nights! This is cause for celebration!  Even the times when he has been up, he is still doing so much better, like sleeping 6-7 hours straight, which he was not doing before.  I can detect virtually no limb movements. 

He is just doing so much better, and if we can keep him healthy, hopefully at the three month mark I can share even better news.  I am still so grateful for this amazing progress and God's provision for us.  It is such a difference when I can think sort of clearly and not be surrounded by a haze of exhaustion constantly.  It is such a comfort to watch him sleep on the video monitor and not see his legs and arms jerking.  He is at peace most of the time when he sleeps! Amazing! I can't stress enough the feeling of frustration when you watch your baby struggle to get comfortable and to REST.  I am thankful for these blessings of peace and rest.

And, as you might expect, he is so much happier in the daytime too! He was always a good-natured baby, but he has been so happy that I cannot explain it.  We laugh and play and giggle and have so much fun.  He plays and is happy.  I didn't realize how cranky he was simply from being exhausted, too.  Poor baby. I am so happy to see him happy!

Thanks for reading.  Check back for even more good news next month!