Today I feel like a failure. I actually had the thought on the way to work this morning that maybe I can't do this. Maybe I wasn't cut out to be a mom, trying to work and holding stuff together.
I remember the days of getting up and only being responsible for myself. I took a shower, put on whatever nice business clothes I wanted to, ate what I wanted, left on time...I had it together. Today my morning went like this: up to nurse Eli at 5, back to sleep till 6 when I finally let him get in bed with me to try and keep him asleep till 7:20, up, give Eli medicine, eat (while Josh dresses Eli), nurse Eli (while Josh dresses and feeds Seth), pump because Eli didn't eat enough, get ready (no shower), grab all the stuff Seth needs for preschool and my pump and work stuff, and rush out the door (late). I got Seth to preschool 10 minutes late, which meant I missed the "drop off" time window and had to get out of the car and take him in myself (making me even later to work). After dropping him off, it was the point on my drive when I had the "maybe I am not cut out for this" thought...and it got worse.
When I got to work, I was 10 minutes late for a meeting I scheduled with our 401K plan people. I walked in late and was greeted by the woman I had setup the meeting with, who I'd never met. She was about 23 years old, tall, skinny, blond and dressed perfectly in business clothes- jewelry, nails done, etc. Now, not that I've ever looked like her, but I at least used to be able to try. I came to work today in jean capris, a striped Old Navy shirt and tennis shoes (acceptable attire in my office). This girl looked at me like I was an alien. I don't pretend to know what she was thinking- for all I know, she was wishing she got to wear Nikes to work instead of Manolos. But the voice in my head filled in what I imagined she was saying: "You come to work like THAT? Did you even shower? When was the last time you had a hair cut? Those shoes are from like 1999. I hope I never look that slobbish." I made it through the meeting, and she was very nice. Was she who I wanted to be, or just a person in a much different stage? She stuck in my mind all day.
Some days it really hits me- the large number of small sacrifices we make. They ARE small ones, but there are a lot of them. We sacrifice mostly our comfort: the ability to sleep when we want to; the luxury of taking care of ourselves- haircuts, showers, nails (my latest manicure involved me biting my nails and spitting them out the window when I drove- gross, huh); our free time; time with our spouses and friends; exercise time. A friend recently pointed out to me that while "me time" is important to most of us, there is nothing in the Bible that directs us to pamper ourselves or just "focus on me." If you are a mom, you know all about these small sacrifices, and probably have a list of your own.
So what I kept coming back to with the meeting girl was this: why did she add to my feelings of failure? I felt that way on the drive to work, but being with her really brought me down. I haven't completely found the answer. The obvious pat answer is that I am focusing on the wrong things: my comfort, my clothes, my hair, and that's true. I shouldn't define my success that way. And everyone got where they needed to be today, although we were all a little late. I have a great husband who helps me, and two relatively healthy, happy kids. But that's not what was causing the unrest in my soul.
I just think there's something in me that believes if I was really a good mom I wouldn't struggle with this stuff. I'd have the inborn ability to just forget about my appearance, my image at work, my "success" and sacrifice it all with no thought because of those two sweet faces looking at me every day. I wouldn't care what the meeting girl thought of me. If I was a truly good mom, I wouldn't miss my "freedom" and my "me time." But I do. Sometimes I really do. I am not saying it's right.
And that's where the failure comes in: I want to feel all self-sacrificing every single day, but some days I feel like I am just not good enough to do it. Some day I still wish I could just wake up and take care of myself. Maybe I'm just in a hard place with a three year-old and a high-needs 8 month-old. I don't watch TV, I am on a special diet because of Eli's food intolerances (no ice cream, chocolate, dairy of any kind, baked goods, etc!) and I barely get to sleep. I am not that good at putting my kids first- the kind of good that would forget about all that stuff. I know they're worth it all, and this stage of life is temporary. I know I CAN sacrifice. I just hate that I don't always WANT to. Is this making sense?
I want to WANT to. I have the feeling that if I don't WANT to, I am a failure as a mother. Or that I am too selfish for this job. Let me either be the self-centered, "has it all together", professional girl, or the "I love my sweat pants and I can't remember the last time I slept because my baby's up all night but I love it" girl. It's hard to be in-between.
Do you struggle with this? Not just the sacrifices, but the guilt of not being "giving" enough to forget about them? Does anyone really forget, or do we find enough ways to indulge ourselves just enough to survive until one day our kids are grown? I think this struggle goes on and on- even as we learn to be loving, giving, sacrificing and serving. Post your thoughts below- I'd love to hear them!